The Fergusons: Connie and Shona speak about partnership with Netflix

- Media moguls Connie and Shona Ferguson spoke about their new partnership with Netflix and how excited they are about their show Kings of Joburg - In a statement released by Netflix SA, the couple chatted about the inspirations for the series and how grateful they were to the cast and crew

- Media moguls Connie and Shona Ferguson spoke about their new partnership with Netflix and how excited they are about their show Kings of Joburg

- In a statement released by Netflix SA, the couple chatted about the inspirations for the series and how grateful they were to the cast and crew

- The Fergusons also mentioned how excited they were to give their South African project a global reach with the streaming service

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Media power couple, Shona and Connie Ferguson, recently released news that they had solidified a partnership with international streaming service Netflix.

The pair came to the agreement with the streaming giant for their upcoming series, Kings of Joburg and expressed excitement about reaching a new milestone.

Netflix SA released a statement that allowed both Connie and Shona Ferguson to explain why they were so happy with the partnership and what made them decide to move forward with the series.

Part of what Connie said was quoted by and she spoke about how excited she was to be showcasing South African talent, as well as telling South African stories, for a global audience:

“We’re living in exciting times where the world is becoming smaller and smaller. What used to be out of reach is now a stone throw away! With Kings Of Joburg, we are taking South Africa and Africa to the world and bringing the world to South Africa."

Shona spoke at length about how meaningful the project had been for him in many aspects and how he explored the concept of brotherhood over all six episodes of the series. He was also quoted and had this to say about the story and makers of the series, which will be hitting screens on 4 December:

"Audiences will be surprised to learn that despite the darkness of this story, Kings of Joburg, paints a beautiful picture of the city of Johannesburg. I am also grateful to have worked with such an amazing cast and crew who gave it their all and helped bring my vision to life."

Connie concluded by adding how honoured she and Shona were about the collaboration with Netflix and how proud she was of the final product:

"It was an honor to work with Netflix to bring to life this passion project we are truly proud of."

We previously reported on Connie and Shona's trailer for Kings of Joburg and how fans reacted to the news of the show and what they said in their social media comments about it.

Shona and Connie Ferguson recently announced that Ferguson Films' latest project, Kings of Joburg, will be released on Netflix. Shona dropped the trailer on his Twitter account and fans reacted immediately. Supporters were complimentary and voiced how excited they were for the show to come out.

Some commenters were not that keen. Tweeps decided to respond with memes, jokes and criticism that mostly centred around Kings of Joburg starring actors that fans know the Fergusons have collaborated with before.

Arguments broke out on the platform as people heatedly discussed the couple's company employing performers that they have worked with multiple times. There were some users who thought it hilarious that tweeps were getting worked up. Saying that Connie and Shona were allowed to do whatever they wanted with their money and that people needed to stop being entitled.

Others argued that the audience's view matters because that is who will be watching the show and determining its popularity. There were also those who said that Twitter users would get loud about not supporting the show and then watch it eagerly as soon as it gets released.

One user responded by saying that criticism is important in order to improve:

@PeeloveNxumalo: "Hau of course we want them to continue prospering. Criticism doesn't mean we want their business to burn to the ground. They must still collect their coins but just improve."

Mostly, tweeps were salty about the fact that they wouldn't be seeing that many new faces on the show.

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